Brain XP™'s "Lived Experience" Training and associated written materials are solely owned & copyrighted by Brain XP™. Attendees may use the Materials only for their own personal use.  The Training or Materials may not be reproduced or distributed for any purpose.  Brain XP™ makes no warranties, expressed or implied, as to any matter whatsoever, including without limitation, the merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of any goods or services provided. Brain XP™ is a Lived Experience/Advocacy Organization and does not provide professional treatment advice. The materials in the Brain XP™'s Training are not an attempt to practice medicine or give medical advice. The information provided is for the sole purpose of being informative and is not to be considered complete, and does not cover all issues related to mental health. Moreover, this information should not replace consultation with your doctor or other qualified mental health providers and/or specialists. In consideration of the privilege of participating in the Training, Client for himself, his heirs, assigns, executors, or all members of his family, including minors, waives, releases, officers, and directors from any and all responsibility, claims, demands, damages, causes of action whether now known or unknown that arise from or relate in any manner to the Training and Materials.